miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

New website - Collocations Dictionary


Week: 13                                                                                               Date: 18/12/2013

Website: http://prowritingaid.com/Free-Online-Collocations-Dictionary.aspx

More than for the children, this website is an excellent tool for me. There are always doubts about which collocation should be written before some noun or verb. For this reason, this website is useful for me.

In terms of the students, as I said before, it is difficult to introduce that in the school. Nevertheless, if you want to do it, I would use this website with 5th and 6th grade students since they begin dealing with different words they should know how to write properly.

New website - Synonyms


Week: 13                                                                                                         Date: 18/12/2013

Website: http://www.synonym.com/

To my mind, the fact of knowing a large number of words of one language helps you to have more fluency and facility when you speak and write. For this reason, as a future teacher, I strongly believe that I would have to introduce synonym dictionaries in my classroom, in that way, students will deal with these kinds of tools and will learn new words as well.

As I said in the previous comment, you I to take into account the age of the students, because depending on the age, they are going to have problems to deal with these websites. Depending on the level of them, I could introduce it.

New wesbite - Oxford Dictionaries


Week: 13                                                                                                   Date: 18/12/2013

Website: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/es

As I explained with the newspapers, the more dictionaries I have as a tool to work with children, the better it will be. They have to get used to deal with different languages and search the words they do not know. However, you have to teach students how to use that kind of websites, even if they are dictionaries. When they control them, it is going to be an excellent tool for them.

From my point of view, you have to take into account the age of the students since the ones who are in the first and second primary courses are going to have difficulties to use these websites.  

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

New website - The Sun


Week: 13                                                                                                 Date: 17/12/2013

Website: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/

Here I am with another newspaper! This time I would like to underline The Sun, a well-known newspaper which is read by a lot of people. As I said in the other comments, every source of information could be a tool to introduce in your classroom since you could choose a piece of news to comment in class, to develop a project taking that piece of new as the thread.

However, before use it in class, you have to run your eye over it because depending on the information you introduce in a classroom and the age of the students, it could become a time-consuming activity instead of a meaningful and useful one.  

New website - IEC


Week: 13                                                                                                       Date: 17/12/2013

Website: www.iec.cat

From my point of view, students should completely dominate their first language, which is normally Catalan. For this reason, I decided to introduce this website in my Symbaloo. In that way, they are going to learn new vocabulary and they are going to improve their writing as well.

On the other hand, it is important they deal with different languages. Therefore, to my mind, they have to begin controlling the one which is more used by them to keep learning new ones. In addition, I would like to underline the fact of its usefulness. As teacher, you could use it in all the primary courses to work with your pupils.

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

New website - The Irish Times


Week: 12                                                                                                  Date: 15/12/2013

Website: http://www.irishtimes.com/

The more information you have about different places, the more improvement you can achieve. For this reason, I decided to introduce a website from Ireland, where the news is more specific than in other newspaper and you can see diferent points of view.

As I said in the other comments related to the previous newspapers, we could introduce that in the school by means of selecting and taking news, and comment it in class with the pupils. In that way, they are going to become aware of what is happening in the world and think about it.

As teacher, you can carry on this activity with all the courses of Primary. Therefore, it is an excellent one.

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

New website - RAE


Week: 12                                                                                                     Date: 13/12/2013

Website: http://rae.es/

Although English is the most important language in the world, It is not the only one. Spanish is an important language which is becoming more and more spoken around the world. Furthermore, it is the language which is spoken in our country, so they have to control it. For this reason, I thought it would be an excellent idea the fact of adding this website in my Symbaloo, since its dictionary is the best one in terms of Spanish language.

Regarding the utility it could have in Primary school, from my point of view it could be introduced in every Primary course, although the youngest ones perhaps would have difficulties in using thit website. Yet, if they get used to do it and show interest while they learn new words, it will be a good improvement in their learning process.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

New website - BBC


Week: 12                                                                                                       Date: 12/12/2013

Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/

BBC.co.uk is one of the most well-known websites in terms of information and news. Therefore, what could be better than use it in class? For example, picking up a new and explain it in class while children are taking part of a discussion related to the new, or make children guess what is happening because you just explain the beginning of the new, and so on.

I believe imagination is one of the best tools teachers have, so we have to make a constant effort so as to develop it. We should come up against any difficulty in class, in that way, we are going to gain knowledge regarding how we should act or how we should react.

Finally, I would like to take into account the fact that we could use this website in any Primary course. Yet, we should pay attention the difficulty of the new.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

New website - CNN

Week: 12                                                                                                         Date: 11/12/2013

Website: http://edition.cnn.com/

We have to be informed of what is happening in the world, and as teachers, we must explain it to our pupils. In that way, they will know not only contents but they will be knowledgeable of the world where they are living. Furthermore, they could speak of different items as well as getting used of watching news on television and reading newspapers.

Nowadays, students pay more attention to new technology as a way of having fun instead of using it to learn and now more about the world. We should try to change it to improve students’ learning process.

From my point of view, never is too soon to introduce news to children, so it could be useful for every course of Primary.

New website - El Periodico


Week: 12                                                                                                         Date: 11/12/2013

Website: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/

El Periódico has different thoughts from La Vanguardia although it is a newspaper from Catalonia. As I read them everyday, I thought to introduce it in my Symbaloo. In addition, it is an excellent tool to use in class, since I could take the same notice from this newspaper and La Vanguardia and show them to my pupils. In that way, they would realise the differences between both newspapers and how media can change the information even if it is the same new.

Depending on the new, I would use one new or another, but I believe it is an activity available for all the Primary courses.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

New website - TV3


Week: 11                                                                                                     Date: 08/12/2013

Website: http://www.tv3.cat/

One of the most known TV channels in Catalonia is TV3. For this reason, I thought it was a good idea the fact of adding it in my Symbaloo. Moreover, if someday I work in a school, it would be a terrific idea if I show this website to my students. We could extract a lot of tools to use in class such as images and information related to news.

On the other hand, they could watch this channel at home and become familiar with it. The more they get used to it, the more they will know about what is happening around the world.

New website - La Vanguardia


Week: 11                                                                                                  Date: 08/12/2013

Website: www.lavanguardia.com

One of the best newspapers in Catalonia is La Vanguardia, that’s why I decided to introduce it in my Symbaloo. I believe it is an excellent tool to introduce to my pupils since it is a local newspaper they should know and read so as to be conscious of what is happening here. In addition, it is a mean of communication they could understand without problems, so the fact of introducing a new in class could be a good way of teaching them some topic.

I would use it from 7 years old students to 12 years old. I wish I could put in practise it the next year. If you have the opportunity, why don’t you try it?

New website - The New York Times


Week: 11                                                                                                   Date: 08/12/2013

Website: http://www.nytimes.com/

What is better than knowing different news about different places? For this reason, I chose a huge variety of means of communication in terms of newspapers and TV websites. And now, I would like to comment The New York Times, one of the best means of communication in EEUU.

I strongly believe it is so important to introduce newspapers and news to our students since, in that way, they are going to get used to deal with this kind of information. The fact of working with your pupils in class using news placed in another country could be a god tool to develop their learning process.

Try to use it in class as I will do in the future.

New website - Youtube


Week: 11                                                                                             Date: 08/12/2013

Website: www.youtube.com

What about one of the most well-known pages about videos where everybody can share what one desire? If we want to introduce this website to our students I am sure we won’t have any problem, since a large number of students will be familiar with it. Moreover, they could show some task you ask them for or search for information.

On the other hand, I would like to highlight that it is a great tool to find music to work in P.E. subject, music subject, and so on.

For my mind, this website could be used by every course of Primary so it is an excellent tool.

New website - Dropbox


Week: 11                                                                                                         Date: 08/12/2013

Website: www.dropbox.com

When I began this last year at the university, I hadn’t known how to share Word documents and Power Points in a website until I discovered Dropbox. By means of this website, you can share any kind of document you want just adding the link.

Also, I would like to place emphasise on the importance of that website to save what you want in a website. In that way, if you have any problem with your computer, you won’t lose information because you will have everything in Dropbox.

In terms of the class, this website could be used by the students if they want to save documents, or perhaps if you ask them for sharing something. It is so useful, so if I were you, I would run my eye over it.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

New website - Gmail


Week: 11                                                                                               Date: 05/12/2013

Website: www.gmail.es

This website is quite similar to hotmail. You can send and receive e-mails and keep in touch with people. It is so useful when you are doing projects with a group of people, since you can create a kind of document where everybody can write and do the project at the same time. In that way, it is easier to work though you are not with your classmates.

For that reason, I think it is a good tool we could share with our pupils. Yet, we want they work in team, face to face, instead of doing it through Internet. For that reason, we should be careful and make them use it just sometimes. Also, I would like to underline that this website should be used by students older than ten years old, since they are who really know how to use a computer.  

New website - British Council


Week: 11                                                                                                          Date: 05/12/2013

Website: http://www.britishcouncil.org/

Don’t you know where you can find material to teach English? Or perhaps you have no idea where you can find something to learn English by your own. That’s why, I decided to introduce this website in my Symbaloo. It can be used by the students at home without any teacher supervision, so I believe it is an excellent tool for them to improve their English. Besides, there are no limits in terms of students’ age, everyone who desires can use it.

As for teachers, hereby we can find a lot of material to put in practise in class, material which is going to be useful to implement the knowledge of the students.

Believe me and have a look!

New website - Google


Week: 11                                                                                                        Date: 05/12/2013

Website: www.google.es

What do I have to explain about one of the best searchers of the world? Using this website you can find a large number of materials you can use with your pupils. No matters where you are teaching since you arguably find what you are looking for.

However, as a drawback I would like to take into account the huge variety of materials it has, so sometimes it is difficult to find what you want.
On the other hand, you could show this website to your students because it would be so interesting and useful for them.

Cast your eye over it and discover what you are interested in!

New website - Edu365


Week: 11                                                                                                    Date: 05/12/2013

Website: http://www.edu365.cat/

What a brilliant website full of resources for Infant, Primary and older students. In addition, all of them are related to different subjects, so you can choose the level and the topic you would like to work with your pupils.

Also, I would like to place emphasise on this website since it is one of the most known in terms of resources. However, all the activities are done using Internet, so you would need a lot of computers if you want all the students work on it.

As I said before, you can use it with all the Primary students, so why don’t you have a look at this website and take advantage of all its resources?

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

New website - Domo Animate


Week: 11                                                                                                Date: 04/12/2013

Website: http://domo.goanimate.com/

What is funnier than present some topic by means of an animate story? For this reason, I am going to show you this website, where you can create animated stories using different characters in a fun way. In that way, I am sure it is going to draw pupils’ attention and it is going to help you to explain what you want to.

On the other hand, it is perfectly adaptable to any age students, so you can use it in any Primary course. Also, it could be used by the students so as to present any topic they would like. Besides, they could spell out some topic with no problems, even if it is in a comic format.

New website - DecideAlready


Week: 11                                                                                           Date: 04/12/2013

Website: https://decidealready.com/

If you want to do a survey to decide a topic for a project, to decide some topic for a festival in the school, you can use this website. By means of it, it is easier to reach a conclusion with everybody. You can create a survey and all you have to do is wait for an answer.

Nevertheless, you can’t use it with students of the first courses of Primary since they are not very used to deal with the computer. Therefore, I would try it with 11-12 years old pupils who know how to use computers with no problems.

I am sure it will help you to save time!

New website - IRubric


Week: 11                                                                                                         Date: 04/12/2013

Website: http://www.rcampus.com/indexrubric.cfm

From my point of view, the best way to assess students is creating a rubric where they can read what they have to do to pass or the get a good mark when they have a presentation, to give a project, and so on. That’s why, I chose this website to place it in my Symbaloo, because I believe it is a good tool. Also, to my mind, it is smart the fact of creating rubrics for each project you make students create so as to know how to assess them.
As teachers, you can use it in every single course of Primary, so it is an excellent website to use. Moreover, you can create rubrics for other things you want, so it is a tool to take into account.

New website - Bombay TV


Week: 11                                                                                                        Date: 04/12/2013

Website: http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/index.php?lang=es

This website lets us introduce subtitles in different Bollywood films. It is a fun activity we can do with 4th, 5th and 6th grade students, but you have to check what film is chosen by them and the subtitles they are going to write.

However, it is not an easy activity to introduce in class, but it could be a supportive website you could use in any moment you desired.

If I were you, I would run my eye over this website and I’d try to use it.  

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

New website - MonUB


Week: 11                                                                                                     Date: 02/12/13

Website: http://www.ub.edu/monub/

It is not a website I am going to use in a future as a teacher, but nowadays it has became as one of the main sources in terms of teachers’ tools. There is a lot of material uploaded here which I can download and use it in a future in my class. I’ve been downloading during three years Power Points, Word documents, readings, and so on. They were so useful, and I believe they will be an excellent tool to help me teaching.

In terms of what it has, as UB student you can find material related to any age of Primary School. Therefore, I keep saving educative tools during this last year to take the best of this website during my years as university student.  

New website - Hotmail


Week: 11                                                                                                Date: 02/12/13

Website: www.hotmail.es

This website is used so as to communicate and share documents as well as keeping in touch with people. That’s why, I strongly believe it is so important to show students this website since they can share documents and tasks with the teacher easily. However, I would use it with 11-12 years old students, since I think it is an appropriate age to deal with this kind of webs.

As teachers, we should create an account to use only with the students, in that way, it would be easier to keep under control all what you have there because you would know everything would be related to school, pupils and tasks.

New website - Xtec


Week: 11                                                                                             Date: 02/12/2013

Website: http://www.xtec.cat/web/guest/home

This terrific website is ideal for the teachers. Hereby, you can find a great deal of information about schools, information related to teachers’ topics, basic competences, and so on. No matter the grade where you are teaching, you can achieve whatever you want which is going to be helpful for you. Moreover, there are links to go to other websites related to the education world.

It is the main website for the teachers, so what are you waiting for to have a look?