domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

New website - BBC School Games


Week: 5                                                                                                       Date: 27/10/2013

This is one of the best websites in which we can find a large number of games so as the students learn depending on the subject they want to choose. The games are in different groups, depending on the age of the students. Once you have chosen the age you are interested in, you can select the subject you want. You can adapt this kind of activities in the class since they are completely meaningful.

Try to play these games and realise how useful can be them in an ordinary class.

New website - Prezi


Week: 5                                                                                                       Date: 27/10/2013


This website is so useful so as to do presentations. It is an alternative way in order not to use the typical Power Point. What you have to do is to create an account and enjoy using that virtual program.

It could be used in every age of Primary Education. However, you have to get used to use it, but once you are used to, it is easy and quite innovative. If you present that type of tools to your students they are going to have a huge variety of ways to present different items.

Blue webmixes


Week: 5                                                                                                         Date: 27/10/2013

Blue webmixes found in my symbaloo

What I would like to explain is the relation all the blue webmixes have between them. Every of them are newspapers, although they are from different places. Moreover, they are completely related to my Personal Learning Environment since I read them every morning because I want to be informed of what is happening in the world.

On the other hand, in terms of the school, I am going to try to introduce to my pupils the habit of reading newspapers, even if it is digitally. I strongly believe it will help them to develop their reading skills and it is a different way so as to make them read while they are getting the habit of reading. Besides, I could take a notice from one of these newspapers or TV websites to use and comment in class, so I think they are brilliant tools to take into account.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

My Symbaloo's account explanation

How is distributed my Symbaloo account?
I would like to explain the distribution of my Symbaloo’s account so as to make easier for that ones who decide to visit it.

First of all, in terms of blue web mixes, they are related to different newspapers which I think they are really interesting and which I try to read every morning in order to know what is happening in the world. They are from different countries to have a great deal of news and compare them.

Secondly, the purple ones, which are related to websites I use to keep in contact with people. I would not use them in class as a teacher although Youtube could be a good tool to work with.

Following on from that, we can find the yellow ones. They are useful so as to make presentations. They could be used in the class as a teacher, or your pupils could deal with these websites to present some items.

On the other hand, the red ones are related to dictionaries. Although one of the main dictionaries I use, which is Word Reference, is coloured green, it should be coloured red. Afterwards, I am going to explain why this dictionary is coloured in green.

What we can also find are the green ones which are related directly to children, schools, and tools to use in the class as a teacher. As I mentioned before, I would like to explain that although the is a Word Reference dictionary and should be coloured red, I coloured it green since it is a tool that I could use in the class, me as a teacher or my pupils so as to find out some word they did not know.

Finally, I would like to highlight the brown one, which is the Logbook. There you can find the description of every activity and other explanations and tools related to my Personal Learning Environment.

New website -


Week 5                                                                                             Date: 25/10/2013


Have you ever thought of creating a digital poster? Nowadays, it is up to you. You can use this website in order to create one, where you will be able to upload images, videos, texts and so on. It is much better to save all your work on Internet than in a poster made using a cardboard.

In terms of teacher’s tools, it can be used so as to present some item to the class, to work all together in the same project and share ideas, videos and images. However, if you make every student create a glogster, you as a teacher must promise to correct and revise the students’ work. It is a demanding work but it is so easy to use and they deal with new technologies while they learning.

Depending on the age of the students, the glogster should be more elaborated or not. Yet, it is a tool which can be used by different students, not focusing only on their age since it is quite easy to use.

Open a new account and enjoy creating your digital posters right now!


jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

New website -


Week 5                                                                                                Date: 24/10/2013

This week I would like to emphasise this website. It gives you the opportunity to create a newspaper article with the content you want in it. You can write what you want. Therefore, from my point of view, I am sure it draws the pupils’ attention if you want to present some item. As a teacher, you can use it in every Primary class, although the level of the writing must change depending on the students’ course.

Moreover, there are also animals with speech balloons which you can fill with your own words. It is similar to the newspaper, but the text must be shorter. It is also something innovating to the students.


viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

New website -


Week: 4                                                                                             Date: 18/10/2013


I would like to focus on this website as a useful and fun way to interact with new technologies. Our pupils can deal with an avatar which can speak and explain what students are interested in. They can record their voices or just write down what they want the avatar says. If students are shy or have problems to do a presentation, it would be a good methodology so as to help them.

On the other hand, we should keep in mind this website as a teacher’s tool. If we don’t want to explain something in front of the class and we want to innovate, this is an excellent way to draw our pupil’s attention.

If I were you, I would run my eye over it right now!!!


miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

My Personal Learning Environment

My Personal Learning Environment

One of the purposes of this text is to explain you how is my Personal Learning Environment. I drew different pictures so as to make it clearer. Every drawing contains an explanation in order to understand it.

First of all, I would like to highlight the distinction of the five main points showed in the picture. These names are ordered so as to help people to understand the image and try to guide them if they want to create a good Learning Environment. 

In terms of search, I drew a laptop, a television, a book and I would like to represent people talking. As far as I am concerned, these pictures show perfectly different ways to search for information, focusing on new technologies. We have a large number of tools which make us easier the fact of searching for information. Therefore, we have to take it into account.

As for the next step, which is organise, I wanted to show a calendar as well as an image representing tools. We must pay attention to the time we have to organize our Learning Environment and the necessary tasks which are in it. However, I would like to emphasise the importance of the person’s personality, since it will be helpful for him or her depending on his or her creativity, organization, thoughts and so on.

The next step focuses on creating the work. If we have chosen good information and we have a satisfactory planning, it will be easier to build it up.

Regarding the next section, which is share, I represented three main websites where a great deal of material related to Learning Environment is uploaded. I am sure this lists is going to be larger as the course goes on.

Finally, we have to communicate and speak with other people in order to share opinions and points of view. In that way, we are going to improve our Learning Environment by means of adding new websites and taking into account new comments of different people.