viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

New website - RAE


Week: 12                                                                                                     Date: 13/12/2013


Although English is the most important language in the world, It is not the only one. Spanish is an important language which is becoming more and more spoken around the world. Furthermore, it is the language which is spoken in our country, so they have to control it. For this reason, I thought it would be an excellent idea the fact of adding this website in my Symbaloo, since its dictionary is the best one in terms of Spanish language.

Regarding the utility it could have in Primary school, from my point of view it could be introduced in every Primary course, although the youngest ones perhaps would have difficulties in using thit website. Yet, if they get used to do it and show interest while they learn new words, it will be a good improvement in their learning process.

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